Allowed Commands

Allowed Commands

The following table shows some allowed and disallowed commands that are commonly used, as well as any possible exceptions.
Please also use your common sense!

You may use the following commands freely, but not excessively:
Command Name
TP [user] [user]
Do not use without permission.
You must have a valid reason for teleporting to someone.
You must have a valid reason to bring someone to you.
You must have a valid reason to reset you or someone else.
Kicks can only be issued after 3 warnings or in other extreme events.
INFOYou must have a valid reason to view a players information
This command may only be used with the session hosts permission and only during a training or shift photo.
You must have a valid reason for checking in-game admins.
You must have a valid reason for viewing players, you cannot do it randomly without cause.
You must have a valid reason to view a players tools, you cannot do it randomly without cause.
You must have a valid reason to remove a players tools, you cannot do it randomly without cause.

You must have a valid reason to view chatlogs, you cannot do it randomly without cause.

You must have a valid reason to view bans, you cannot do it randomly without cause.
You must have a valid reason to view permanent bans, you cannot do it randomly without cause.
May only be used with session host permission - or by the host themselves - and only on yourself.
Only for manually changing points, Assistant Manager+ only.
Manual trainings only.
Manual trainings only.
Assistant Manager+, must have at least one kick.
Executive Assistants+, only for valid reasons
None of these commands are allowed to be employed on ALL, OTHERS, ADMINS, NONADMINS, etc.
Please type at least 5 characters of their username before issuing a command on someone else.
These commands are not allowed, with some role exceptions.
Command Name
HExecutive Assistant+, abusing is not tolerated.

MBOA+, or a session host/overseer.
SMBOA+, or a session host/overseer.
COUNTDOWNExecutive Assistant+, or a session host/overseer.
SENDNOTIFICATIONSession host/overseer.
SHUTDOWNExecutive Assistant+, or a session host/overseer.
FLYExecutive Team+ only.
GEARNo exceptions - this command cannot be used.
GOD / UNGODNo exceptions - this command cannot be used.
MUSICNo exceptions - this command cannot be used.
VOLUMENo exceptions - this command cannot be used.
PITCHNo exceptions - this command cannot be used.
HATNo exceptions - this command cannot be used.
HEALNo exceptions - this command cannot be used.
SLOCKNo exceptions - this command cannot be used.
SPEEDNo exceptions - this command cannot be used.
JUMPPOWERNo exceptions - this command cannot be used.
GIVENo exceptions - this command cannot be used.
NAME No exceptions - this command cannot be used.

Use your common sense, we can't list every command here.
If you require any help regarding Nova or regarding this article, please reach out to us via our helpdesk or Discord bot.

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